Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nothing like a card ;- )

     I don't have a card to post today, though I have one half finished and I will post it tomorrow. I wanted to share with you some news that was exciting to me. At the end of last July we had to put down our sweet dog Max. That is his photo that I use for my avatar. Today I received news, from a breeder that I had contacted, that her dog has had puppies, including 2 males ;- ) So, I got my deposit in to her. Here are their sweet photos.

     They will be 2 weeks on Sat. I can hardly wait until they are ready to go to a new home and 1 will come to mine! They are Norwegian Elkhounds and are actually born totally black. With my son going away to college and my husband traveling for work some times, I have really missed having the dog here with me. At least when I talk, I can address the comments to the dog and I don't seem so crazy ;- ) This has been the first time I have been totally alone in the house without a dog or child. It is very odd to me, but at least it will be remedied soon. Thanks for letting me share my news with YOU! Have a great week and you can look forward to finally seeing a girl card tomorrow. Hugs, debbie.


Carolina Girl (Cely) said...

Oh My Gosh...what a delightful beautiful picture to wake up to as I check my email. I remember so well about Max and can hardly believe it's almost been a year. The company is wonderful and yes, it doesn't make you look crazy since you have someone to talk too...haha Oh...the pup is just so precious. Continue posting pics as he grows, and tell us the name you choe when that day comes. Again, a big congratulations to you and him....he's so lucky to get you!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!! How absolutely PRECIOUS are they!!!!!!!!

It's Jenn! said...

Absolutely precious!!!!!!!! Oh I wanna pick them up and squeeeeze them!!!